Prototyping and Storytelling
We Imagine: 2050 is a world where cultural diversity is enabled and celebrated with regard to food production, consumption and disposal.
I came up with the wearable idea and use my hat to present our ideas.
In the future, everyone has a magic hat which is their personal assistant and also a communication tool with other people.
One day, I decided to make some traditional Chinese dishes on the next day, but I was not able to finish all the things by myself. So I decided to invite 2 more people to come visit. I told my hat my plan. The hat immediately checked out the available ingredients in my fridge and ordered the right amount of other ingredients. The order was directly sent to local farmers and automatic transportation robots would send those ingredients to me on time. At the same time, the hat helped me send the invitation to my neighborhood for 2 opening spots for Chinese food at my house. 10 mins later, I received a hat call. A mom and her daughter’s hologram appeared. She said she was interested in bringing her daughter to enjoy the Chinese food with me. We chatted for a while, and I decided to officially invite them to come.
On the next day, I had a wonderful time cooking and eating Chinese food with the mother and her daughter. I taught the little girl how to use chopsticks and shared with them a lot of traditional Chinese culture. As my hat ordered right amount of food, there was no food waste. Even if there were any leftovers, people can choose to put food in the food collection box in the community to feed animals.
Food plays an important role in every culture. It also serves as a bridge for people from different cultures. We hope through our design, we can preserve diversity of cultures while also exploring and celebrating that diversity!