As a product manager and designer, I had to work with many stakeholders in the design and development of AirPay. For example, I needed to work with the marketing team to design a solution that would help their promotion plan to be better presented in the mobile top-up page. I also needed to communicate with engineers to check the feasibility of the solution. On top of that, it was necessary to study the long-term development costs and design and develop a solution that could be used sustainably. In this case, I am not designing an ideal solution for the user, but I have to consider all aspects of the user, the business and the engineers. This requires good judgment on the part of the product manager to prioritize and balance these requirements.
In addition, special cases and design internationalization are what I learned in this case study. For example, Vietnamese money has a larger monetary value with more digits compared to Thai. On the same page, the Thai top-up denominations have a three-column design, while the Vietnamese have a two-column design. In real life, there are often non-perfect situations and the design should take into account all edge cases.
Also, there are often special cases in the design, such as the Viettel example mentioned in this case study. This particular case had an impact on our existing process, but considering the market share, I provided an alternative and convenient way for users to top up, reducing churn rate and increasing user stickiness. Product managers and product designers need to be flexible and creative. We need to consider the different needs of users, business people, engineers, and finance people, etc to design the best solution that meets the needs of all stakeholders.